July 5, 2010

Who Knew Enfalac Could Make Me Cry

So the inevitable happened... I had but no choice to introduce formula milk to baby Ilhan. I gave in to the dreaded formula milk because...
  • I only have sufficient breastmilk to feed but not to express and store
  • Therefore it was difficult when I had to work and leave Ihan with my in laws
  • So I chose to only go places where I could bring Ilhan along for one whole month
  • Until I could not continue avoiding places that I had to be without him
  • I tried to prolong it until a week before he turned 6 months old
  • and I was both relieved and utterly, truly, terribly distraught when he took his very first bottle so well

Not everyone will understand, but it was painful and I cried as I fed him his first bottle of formula. But thankfully, my BFF Intan told me its OK to cry. Its normal. She cried too... Sigh. Again, one of those things experienced moms wont share until queried.

Its been a week and so far, alhamdulillah Ilhan has been taking both forms of milk equally well. (And gosh, me thinks he has gained considerable weight ever since!)

Enfalac, you've had a big impact on me. But Ive learnt to accept you now, Im cool with you. Just dont take my baby away from me aight!


  1. I cried like crazy when Irfan decided that my expressed milk were not suffice for him, hence why the formula had to be introduced to him at 6 mths as well but alhamdulillah he took it well **more than I would've imagine tho**..the only thing that makes me sad is that ** when the hormones are driving me mad**, I felt as if I was "robbed" of my precious moments with him,especially our peek-a-boo session when he had to be covered while I was nursing him anywhere for that matter..but my Inche' SO always reminds me that whatever I am doing is for Irfan, and somehow rather that manages to cool me off, for a while..:D

    Zaza Hasny

  2. i truly feel you. i had tears running softly down my cheeks masa first time pilih fm for my ilhan.i was in jusco walking through the baby milk aisle. you're not alone. don't worry i'm sure your ilhan knows that his mommy has done the best to provide him the best.
